


The effect of aromatherapy with peppermint essential oil on anxiety of cardiac patients in emergency department: A placebo-controlled study

M Soleimani., LS Kashfi., AA Ghods.



Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that increases the myocardial oxygen demand in acute coronary syndrome. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of peppermint aromatherapy on anxiety in patients with acute coronary syndrome in the emergency department.





Materials and methods

In this clinical trial study, 64 patients with acute coronary syndrome were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. In the intervention group, a cotton ball was soaked in 100% peppermint essential oil and placed about 20 cm from the patient’s nose for 1 h while in the control group, the cotton ball was soaked in water. Anxiety was measured before and after the intervention with The Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory. The data were analyzed in SPSS ver.23 software.


(この研究では、急性冠動脈症候群の患者64人を介入群と対照群に無作為に分けた。介入群では、綿球をペパーミント精油に浸し、患者の鼻から約20cmのところに1時間置き、対照群では綿球を水に浸したものを置いた。不安は、The Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventoryで介入の前後に測定した。データはSPSS ver.23で解析)




No significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of patients’ demographic data. The mean score of trait and state anxiety before the intervention was not significantly different between the two groups. After the intervention, anxiety was significantly lower in the intervention group (37.72 ± 10.41) compared to the control group (42.62 ± 5.99) (P = 0.021). Results indicated a significant decrease in anxiety after the intervention (P < 0.001) in the intervention group. Such a difference was not significant in the control group.


(患者の人口統計学的データに関して、両群間で有意差は認められなかった。介入前の形質および状態不安の平均スコアは、2つの群間で有意な差はなかった。介入後、不安は対照群(42.62 ± 5.99)と比較して介入群(37.72 ± 10.41)で有意に低くなった(P = 0.021)。さらに介入群における介入後の不安の有意な減少(P < 0.001)を示した。対照群では有意ではなかった)




Peppermint essential oil inhalation significantly reduces anxiety of patients with acute coronary syndrome in emergency department.



Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (46) 2022

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